Guess the game

Started by A-Yty, 09 September 2005, 19:36

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Quote from: ""Ananaz""Well, I guess I'll post a new one, then:

"All because of this religious freedom! Too much freedom, too many gods. Let those cultist cur-dogs run loose, and they will bite you. Gods! While our Parliament cowers..."

Ah, now we are talking! Vagrant Story. One of my favorites of all time. And I thought that no one plays decent RPG any more.

I'll make this one easy:


Leisure Suit Larry... 2? Could be three but I sayeth two!
Soredemo boku wa yattenai.


There is an additional hint if you look at the name of the copy pasted picture. Of course all around here are too honest to cheat.

Well, The Angel of Snow is the lucky winner! Do you want to post a new one?

I was told that you are a very special Angel by the allmighty google:
High in the clouds
Where noone can go
Lives a very special angel...
The Angel of Snow

She looks down upon the earth
From her lofty perch above
Then spins her winter magic
And sends it down with love

Little Billy grabs his sled
Dad waxes up his skis
Mom gives her winter warning
"Wear your hat and mittens, please"

Becky builds a snowman
A few snowballs are flung
Tara starts to giggle
Catching snowflakes on her tongue

The angel flaps her downy wings
To make the snowflakes swirl
Then weaves her winter blanket
For most every boy and girl

So when you are out playing
Look up with a bit of love
And remember that special angel
Somewhere high in the clouds above

Copyright © 1998 - 2002 SRD

This kind of reminds me of the last episode of Calvin and Hobbes.


That's beautiful :) Here's an easy one:
"I see."
Soredemo boku wa yattenai.


Shenmue. :P


SH 3?


Qualtagh wins.
Soredemo boku wa yattenai.


All right, here's one from a really famous game:

"2 - Get equipped with Item-2"
Sending to a 56k is like peeing in the ocean.


Rockman tsuu ^_^
Soredemo boku wa yattenai.


Yeah, Megaman 2.

Here's one from the Golden Age:
2 warps to Uranus :lol:


Space Invaders? Galaga? Gyruss? :hmm:


Gyruss is correctomundo.


"You lose, big guy!"

Kultamuna Classic

That game is poker.

So, what do I win? :?


Isn't that Resident Evil 2 :)
Soredemo boku wa yattenai.