Listen to the intro and tell me it does'nt make you think of a CV prologue video :magic:
Kinda reminds me of some jewelry ad they aired here a number of years ago, then after a bit it sounds like circus music (sorry to any ELO fans out there). (
I think this would work for end credits. Imagine an artwork montage as the text flows by (
The instruments and the style immediately made me think CV. The melody especially makes me think of SotN (The Tragic Prince for example).
Frankly, this sounds too sentimental for CV. Good piece anyways.
Jean-Michel Jarre - Chronologie Part 3 (
Kind of makes me think of Requiem For The Gods. I can imagine this being the theme of a vast church / graveyard stage with lots of of angelic statues, stained glass windows and crosses around with a cloudy sky in the background :nerd:
Searched "I'll kill you and the night" and this turned up:
Luis Lastra- I'll kill you and the night (
Now that sounds CV-ish, or for a really good vampire flick of yesteryear. that you whipping through ninja hordes to save the President?