so where is everyone?
Everyone (except me, of course), is outdoors celebrating this:
I finally decided to come around and take a look, red is definitely fitting for the place, red skin looks like the blood that runs down the fangs of Ppaavo when he's bobbing for tomatoes.
Welcome, dude. :hail:
Sucks what happened over at CVR, by the way.
Yeah, but things will be fine, there's something coming over the horizon for people like me. This place has more than one person running it, so you guys will survive.
And Paavo, where is your drunken ass around here fool. :mrgreen:
By the way, that was me I forgot to log-in.
We don't have too much to offer to foreigners, but welcome aboard.

There's been some cookie problems with IE, so I'd recommend to use some better browser instead, if you don't already.
Yeah I'm using Firefox, but it's been so long since I've been to a Finnish CV forum (and the fact I don't know Finnish) that I forgot exactly where the login button was (although the text inside near the toolbar actually has the word in English). Ahh well it's good to see you guys give the forum thing another run.
Cool. By the way, you should change your board language to English, unless you'd like to learn some of our Uralic language. :wink:
Indeed, now if I can find that, I'll be set.
Argh, I somehow got logged out after my earlier reply, but yes I've got it set now, things are now even better.
Quote from: ""Bloodreign""Argh, I somehow got logged out after my earlier reply, but yes I've got it set now, things are now even better.
Yeah, that used to happen to me too. :|
If you have your own computer at your disposal, I suggest using auto-log in.
Amazingly I'm logged in this go around, it could have been a PC hiccup.
*waits for Paavo to hit this thread* :mrgreen:
I'll be damned, I even had auto log in and English set up, argh.
Hay guyz! :mrgreen:
Quote from: ""Anonymous""This place has more than one person running it, so you guys will survive.
Last time I checked, I was the only one in power here. Just look at my title saying "Varjo Mooses". That means in English and is the biblical equivalent of Moses in here, aka I carve the fake gods these people will worship while they polish my boots by licking them!
Seriously, these underlings will do ANYTHING my sadistic heart desires: A-Yty, pretend to be dead! Qualtagh, sit and give paw! Lumienkeli, give me your Xbox and DoA Volleyball game! :mrgreen:
Try me, and I shall ban thee.
I already did!
Nice Q for sitting down. *pat pat pat* :mrgreen:
y-yes Master... *gives Paavo her Xbox and all games* Would you like me to clean your feet now? Or make lunch?
Nah. :|ops: . But the rest of ye, BOW!
...Darn :x
*whipcrack!* :whip:
H-hai, goshujin-sama!

Yes, that is what I like to hear!
I considered locking this thread, but wut da hell.
This thread could easily reach 30 pages, unless Paavo comes up with a Villa type thread, which could far surpass 30 pages.
Then it will turn into a spammy bad time.
Testing the new uncool Quick Reply form.
Amazingly Paavo doesn't have true power over me, if he says so I'll steal all his booze.
Q, why did you remove the poll?
Quote from: ""A-Yty""Q, why did you remove the poll? :hmm: It was pointless.