Happy (belated) 18th birthday, Peklo! :lol:
In Engrish too: babby hirthday, Peklo :pepsi:
My 21st birthday is tommorrow.
Be happy for me.
Quote from: "Chaos Guardian"My 21st birthday is tommorrow.
I thought you were older. :P
Ha, you're quite late with this. I just finished up the remnants of my birthday cake, too.
I could've sworn you were already 21, but I guess not. Happy early birthday then, Chaos.
Congrats, oh Guardian of teh Chaos
"Bear beer".
What's it made of?
Bear testicles and dwarf battle roars.

Anyways, the tacos were awesome, also, the birthday cake was buttercream marble, topped with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup and marishino cherries.
for presents, I got a checker shot set, and a slushee mashine with blue rasberry syrup and cherry syrup
and a margarita glass (plastic).
4 months to 33, and I'm none too pleased about it.
Quote from: "Bloodreign"4 months to 33, and I'm none too pleased about it. >:(
My brother got me a 6-pack of red stripe beer as a present. :mrgreen:
Quote from: "A-Yty"C'mon, you still a youngin', pardner 8)
I just finished off my cake, in 4 days time.
I turn 25 today, at 10:30 AM CDT. :[ :rock: :whip: :magic: :party: :nuija: :pepsi:
Congrats :party:
It's all downhill from there :mrgreen:
Whatever you do don't get old, it sucks. :mrgreen:
Too late. :doh: :[ :mrr:
You're not old yet whippersnapper.
How can you be so sure? :hehe: :twisted:
Because I'm more than halfway through my 30's and I'm not even classified as old, or fossilized yet. :smug:
Hey, you're still a spring chicken, dude. 36 is the new 26 :hat:
Tell that to my tired legs, they feel 50. :hehe: