A game far better than Cave Story:
http://www.mazapan.se/games/BurnTheRope.php (http://www.mazapan.se/games/BurnTheRope.php)
You wish.
Nothing is better than Cave Story. Thanks for the effort, though.
This game crashed my browser.
Chill out dude and note the smiley face in the end of the message. :P
btw. What's so good about Cave Story? I've never had the nerves to spend more than one hour playing the game.
lol wut? I wasn't being aggressive. I just can't be bothered to always attach a smiley to my posts whenever I want to express an emotion.
I think this topic I made about it (http://www.chapelofresonance.com/forum/index.php/topic,1394.0.html) can adequately answer why I love the game so much, hehe.
Played through the first level. I couldn't jump while pressing the right arrow key.

Here's some compensation, then. I will be sincerely impressed if you can beat it, Peklo.
http://winterrowd.com/maze/ (http://winterrowd.com/maze/)