Okay, it's no secret that the site (http://www.linnavaanijat.com/) is mostly gibberish to you. But if there's enough interest for translations, you might just get them. So, if something (like the bright shiny colors, sexay pictures or funny words) get your attention, let us know and we might do you some Londoner versions.
Here's something I've been wondering about. Is there such a thing as direct Japanese to Finnish translations? If you want to know what a Japanese word means do you have to go from Japanese to English, and then to Finnish? Or can you find more direct translations?
You mean a Japanese-Finnish dictionary?
Sure there are such translations. I'd even suggest they can be more accurate than when translated to English. Lumienkeli can probably tell more.
OK I know this is much later, but a translation tool would be nice, being the only English-only speaking guy here (ok I speak a little Japanese, but I need to refresh myself on that), don't come here often because I don't understand what's going on, could be some hot sexual things being talked about in this forum.

Would also help with the main site as it looks interesting.
Quote from: "Bloodreign"Would also help with the main site as it looks interesting.
We're working on it.

To my knowledge, a functional Finnish to English translation tool has yet to be released (sometime around 2077).
Sure can't trust Babelfish to translate anything, unless you want a total nonsensical approach as Babelfish is an absolute joke.
Just to let you know that stuff is happening behind the scenes. Some character profiles and articles have already been translated to Engrish and my personal aim is to get all the available profiles translated for the site's 5th anniversary update. Hopefully, you'll all like it
Excellent, shame I'm the only non Finnish speaker here, everyone else has dried up and faded away.
I mentioned the upcoming translations to a few friends, and they were genuinely interested. So yeah, the demand is there. Not that I'm not looking forward to them myself, too.
Remember to point out all the grammatic faults, at least those in my Juste article.
All right, the first set is in place. I'll continue translating the rest of the character profiles made so far and try to get them out before making any new ones.
Naturally, I spotted numerous typos and grammatical errors in my own writings. I better take care of those too after I get my comp fixed

Anyway, enjoy.
And here's the link: http://www.linnavaanijat.com/english/ (http://www.linnavaanijat.com/english/)
The page looks crap on IE 5, hopefully you guys don't use it. Not sure about IE 6.
Well... It can be read, barely, in IE6. I guess IE5 has same problem as this - the background being too "bright".
PNG transparency issue that older versions of IE have, I believe. Looks just fine on my sister's computer with IE7.
Whoops, IE 6 was indeed the one I tested it with. Gotta inform Rod about this later on, many people still use IE 6. A shame really, since the Finnish home page doesn't look any better with that browser, at least if you're on 1024x768.
I use Firefox, so the page looks just fine to me, no messups, no mess, a nice clean page to read.