We need a Castlevania topic here. So which 'Vanias have you been playing recently? I just accomplished LoI a week ago, and now playing Curse with some 65 % of the map completed. It feels better than Lament in many ways, but I've been a bit disappointed about the realization of the game world. Some beautiful landscapes together with a bit more alternating "rooms" would've been awesome. The battle system and other stuff are actualized quite decently though, and of course I love the music. While still not completed the game, I'm not able to comment the story. But there's Dracula, so it seems ok to me. 8)
Voted Dracula's Curse, I need to get back into playing that sometime, seeing as I've taken an extended break from anything CV related.
Voted SotN, though I hope there will some day be a CV that'll surpass it.
I just finished DC while writing a walkthrough for it.
One vote for Adventure. Somebody's not serious.
I voted Castlevania LoD. I really dont have that game yet, but i have Castlevania 64, and i voted LoD because it is "Version 2.0" about that game.
Quote from: "A-Yty"I just finished DC while writing a walkthrough for it.
Dude, are wroting walkthroughs about the games? WOW. Im worting too about the Cv 64 and LoD. Duuuuude..
Quote from: "Doppe"Quote from: "Lord Quincey"One vote for Adventure. Somebody's not serious. :|
Quote from: "Bloodreign"Quote from: "Doppe"Quote from: "Lord Quincey"One vote for Adventure. Somebody's not serious. :|
Note: meaning that he likely started playing video games during the most intense rise of 3-D gaming and thus cannot perhaps fully appreciate 2-D games.
Sigh. Poor kid. I guess that the 70's wasn't that bad time to grow up if the option is N64 and 3d Castlevania. I choose Black Knight pinball game any time instead of any of these 3d games that got hit with the ugly stick. There should be an option to vote for the Mario 64. It is at least a decent effort ;).
Correct me if I'm wrong but Castlevania equals good gamepaly in a good ol' 2d. This should not be too hard to understand even if you were born yesterday. Sheesh.
Quote from: "A-Yty"No, he's 12. :)
Seriously though I see kids say that a lot and I always tell them without these old 2-D games you'd have no games likely out there today.
I'm doubtful that it would do much good

. We have our own cultural icons: http://davesworld.gamesanimal.com/notorious.php?art=44 (http://davesworld.gamesanimal.com/notorious.php?art=44)
Kids of these days have no idea how such games were played. It was three lives and game over man!
http://davesworld.gamesanimal.com/notorious.php?art=16 (http://davesworld.gamesanimal.com/notorious.php?art=16)
I've run into so many kids that dislike the classics it isn't funny, trouble is though without these classics these kids today would not have gaming.
Agree or disagree?
Quote from: "Bloodreign"I've run into so many kids that dislike the classics it isn't funny, trouble is though without these classics these kids today would not have gaming.
Agree or disagree?
I totally agree with that. :brow:
Nowadays kids don't even know how the games are really made. They just know that there is 3d -programs and in common "AUTOCAD", "C++" -languages which will make graphics and commands work.
How crazy must it be to see first videogame on consoles like NintendoWii or Playstation3? It's just impossible for them to suddenly understand such complex data. :|
Voted for CoD :mrgreen:.. I really like it, and many dislike it.. Why is it so, or am I someway different from other people :P?
Meh...it had good atmosphere and story (though a little too vague...) and the voice acting was top-notch. If it had good level design, I imagine it would've been something big.
The combat engine needs to be completely revamped too (ooh vampire puns). I'm sick of lackluster hack 'n slash mediocrity. The thing is that it is not at all necessary to have an emphasis on combat (look at the N64 games), but they seem really caught on pursuing that direction, so it needs to truly excel at it, in that case.
I vote Dracula's Curse. Probably not any single game shall surpass it in my eyes, Castlevania or otherwise.
If you would have the opportunity to give Castlevania/Akumajou a new title, what would you call it?
Anyone who read the Castlevania Guide by Kurt?
Linnaavanijat.com (http://www.linnavaanijat.com) is 20 years old :cheers:
Crazy how fast time goes by. I remember clearly how around the very beginning I was active active at the Dungeon forums, only couple of years after discovering it. I was in high school and really into Castlevania. Eagerly awaiting Lament of Innocence and playing all the games on emulators I had missed. I think it was the same year I first played SotN through.
It was great finding out there was a site for fellow Finnish fans. All began and maintained by Rod, lord of this castle :hail:
And with all my fellow staff members and regular members of the forums past and present, we have lit the bright candle of Finnish Castlevania fandom. Though some of us have gone on to do other things and other responsibilities have taken precedence, I, for one, am still a Castlevania fan.
Here's to the next 20 years for both Linnavaanijat and Castlevania. Long may they reign.
Do you think there should be fluidity with the name of the series?
I think "Castlevania" was quite a clever invention and whoever came up with it deserves to be recognized for it. It does offer more space to maneuver in terms of game settings as opposed to "Demon Castle Dracula", which isn't bad either on it's own. It's exactly what it says on the label: an action horror-themed adventure inside the castle of Dracula. But as we know, not all the game have turned out to be exclusively about Dracula or his presence in the game was at least supposed to be something of a twist. LoI and PoR being examples of this.
The Japanese haven't had a problem with this, because, IIRC, they called LoI "Castlevania" in Japan as well, because "there was neither Dracula nor his castle in the game". Recently, Western publishers have slipped from using "Yakuza" for the Ryu Ga Gotoku series.
I think naming the series "Yakuza" was stupid in the first place, because the games are more or less about leaving the Yakuza instead of playing as a member of it. Also, there are spin offs set in times of the samurai.
When I first heard the name of the series, I thought to myself: "Oh, it must be a Japanese GTA". How wrong was I. It was only the 4th game, as a PS+ offer, that finally made me try it and realize that it was nothing like a gangster simulation. Ever since I played the 4th game, I thought it was a huge mistake not to follow the Japanese naming convention and I can't think of a reason why they didn't. But now they've had to turn back on that decision.
What I'm saying is: it might not have to be set in stone that every game in this series is called "Castlevania". What would you call a Castlevania game if you wouldn't call it Castlevania and can you name a series - especially a Wester one - that has never really been tied to this series naming convention and never had a problem with it?