A simple game: post a picture or a quote. Others will try to guess the game in question. I'll start.
"Brainstern! Erase this pest!"
I'll guess Maniac Mansion? At least I think that the quote is from a Lucasfilm game, anyhow. You'll have to give a hint for 3 points now if I'm mistaken!
This is something that will read in the game screen during the play: "3 Solvalou left". Mind you, it is an Arcade game.
Nope. It's a Capcom game.
Well I know that Solvalou is from Xevious, right? But I hve no idea of the first one ^^
The "Brainstern" one is from Onimusha 3, I believe.
"..I don't have much time so listen closely. In order to defeat them I need your help.
- I guess I have no choice..let's roll!"
George W. Bush and Tony Blair.
Quote from: ""Lumienkeli""Well I know that Solvalou is from Xevious, right? But I hve no idea of the first one ^^
Correct! You've just earned 5 virtual credits to your favorite emulator running Xevious ;)
Quote from: ""Qualtagh""George W. Bush and Tony Blair. :lol:
I'll bet my money to Final Fantasy VII. It's a bit far streched quess, I'm first one to admit. At least Cloud says to Barrett: "Here they come!"
Here's one:
"-You find the dull woman sexy! But then, you find any women sexy."
GRADIUS V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean the one from A-yTy
As for my game, I have a screen from a certain game right here:
Yeah! Gradius V it is! Should have remembered that one

That's Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, Lumienkeli!
Okay, here's my quote:
"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this."
Za Regendo obu Zeruda! Or Zelda no densetsu ^^
Quote from: ""Lumienkeli""GRADIUS V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I guess I'll post a new one, then:
"All because of this religious freedom! Too much freedom, too many gods. Let those cultist cur-dogs run loose, and they will bite you. Gods! While our Parliament cowers..."
Quote from: ""Ananaz""Well, I guess I'll post a new one, then:
"All because of this religious freedom! Too much freedom, too many gods. Let those cultist cur-dogs run loose, and they will bite you. Gods! While our Parliament cowers..."
Ah, now we are talking! Vagrant Story. One of my favorites of all time. And I thought that no one plays decent RPG any more.
I'll make this one easy:
Leisure Suit Larry... 2? Could be three but I sayeth two!
There is an additional hint if you look at the name of the copy pasted picture. Of course all around here are too honest to cheat.
Well, The Angel of Snow is the lucky winner! Do you want to post a new one?
I was told that you are a very special Angel by the allmighty google:
High in the clouds
Where noone can go
Lives a very special angel...
The Angel of Snow
She looks down upon the earth
From her lofty perch above
Then spins her winter magic
And sends it down with love
Little Billy grabs his sled
Dad waxes up his skis
Mom gives her winter warning
"Wear your hat and mittens, please"
Becky builds a snowman
A few snowballs are flung
Tara starts to giggle
Catching snowflakes on her tongue
The angel flaps her downy wings
To make the snowflakes swirl
Then weaves her winter blanket
For most every boy and girl
So when you are out playing
Look up with a bit of love
And remember that special angel
Somewhere high in the clouds above
Copyright © 1998 - 2002 SRD
This kind of reminds me of the last episode of Calvin and Hobbes.
That's beautiful

Here's an easy one:
"I see."
Shenmue. :P
SH 3?
Qualtagh wins.
All right, here's one from a really famous game:
"2 - Get equipped with Item-2"
Rockman tsuu ^_^
Yeah, Megaman 2.
Here's one from the Golden Age:
2 warps to Uranus

http://img388.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gold4ua.jpg (http://img388.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gold4ua.jpg)
Space Invaders? Galaga? Gyruss?
Gyruss is correctomundo.
"You lose, big guy!"
That game is poker.
So, what do I win?
Isn't that Resident Evil 2
Quote from: ""Lumienkeli""Isn't that Resident Evil 2 
"They came from the depths of the void. An ancient enemy of an ancient people. No one knows why they hate us so, or why they have made war upon us. Some say, the struggle against their evil is the Mandate of Heaven!"
I will guess Might and Magic 6 or something.
And your guess is correct. ^_~
"Don't be a panic! I have a bad hunch."
If you crack this one within a week I promise you a really tough nut to crack

Hint 1: It is a Neo Geo game.
It's gotta be an SNK game, they have the best engrish. I'm guessing... Fatal Fury something?
Sorry. I'll give an additional hint for the good effort, though.
Hint 2:
It is a shoot'em up.
Sonic Wings tjsp.?
Hint 3: "Metal Slug with Spaceships." (From a review)
What the heck, the tea that was served earlier on is probably ice cold by now over there in Iceland.
Here it is in its full glory:8249725912
Quote from: ""Christophe""What the heck, the tea that was served earlier on is probably ice cold by now over there in Iceland.
Here it is in its full glory:8249725912

Anyway I guess Blazing Star.
Here's more of the good stuff:
http://www.classicgaming.com/shmups/rev ... ges/41.gif (http://www.classicgaming.com/shmups/reviews/blazingstar/images/41.gif)
Hmm I'll go with a screenshot for this one, hint it's a PC Engine game sort of like Rastan:
Bump: My screenshot apparently got eaten by the forum (or Paavo, if he were hungry :lol:) it was supposed to be Legendary Axe for PC Engine.
Sega gamers should know this. (And others too, it's a multi platform game.)
Summer Games?
Good guess, but no.
Well, this one obiviously got hit with the ugly stick. Why, it's Califronia Games of course. The most fun one can have with his foot bag legally ;g. The frisbee throwing was fun, or at least it was hilarious when that flying saucer abducted the co-op who was supposed to catch the damn Frisbee

ARGH! I meant that, but I forgot the real name for it :D
I'll revive the topic with an appropriate quotation:
Now that's an easy one.
Quote from: "Peklo"I'll revive the topic with an appropriate quotation:
Now that's an easy one. 
Yes. Altered Beast.
Yep. Continuing on the easy line:
"I am just a small part of what was known as Venom. Pieces of me are scattered throughout the cosmos. Eventually, another will become sentient and exact retribution. You will never escape the shadow of fear! My hatred for your kind is eternal!"
Uhhhhhhh Gradius V?
Indeed! The speech is lovely, one of my favourites.
Bah, can't think of anything at the moment. :P
The warden has been taken hostage, free him, no matter what the cost!
Hint: It's an old Konami arcade game, has something to do with Jail.
Jail Break?
http://www.mobygames.com/game/cpc/jail- ... Id,130722/ (http://www.mobygames.com/game/cpc/jail-break/screenshots/gameShotId,130722/)
"Instead of rescuing the warden, let's gamble at the casino"
We used to play that game a lot on the Commodore 64. What an awful little game it is :mrgreen: ,nevertheless. Another "great" classic is the Legend of Kage.
"Look at the size of that brattleship!"
Hint: it's a spoken line, no text for this one.
Edit: Aw, no takers? Alright then, let's ease this up a bit: it's a 1995 arcade shmup. ;) It's Donpachi! Obviously. Ah well, now this thing can at least move on, if anyone still cares. :P
Ah soo, as you started it here goes: "Prosecuted To The Full Extent of the Jam."
Great games these. There is even a third one. Well, I guess this should be easy enough already.
It lives!
Haha, jam... that's from a multitude of Cave games, correct? The aforementioned Donpachi series, Dangun Feveron, Guwange, ESP Ra.De. etc. It seems to only surface in the original Japanese versions, as I've seen the international ones using the correct 'law' wording.
Haven't played the game myself, but that quote is legendary all the same.
Quote from: "Peklo"Easy, easy: "BE ATTITUDE FOR GAINS"
Haven't played the game myself, but that quote is legendary all the same. 
That's probably from Radiant Silvergun.
Yes, Radiant Silvergun is awesome. The unofficial sequel is perhaps better known, though.
btw. As you mentioned ESP Ra.De I have to list meself as a fanboy. Ahh, what a perfect little game it is.
Ok. What about a character in a game as a clue? Gothmog. This game is a 16-bit hit and a RPG. That's all the hints you will get.
TLoZ: A Link to the Past?
Can't get this one. I just keep thinking of Tolkien's Gothmog, the leader of the balrogs. Surely it isn't that terrible Lord of the Rings game on the SNES? :P
Ok. I'll talk so you guys go easy with those crowbars. The game was made by FTL. It was released for the Atari St, the first computer with a fully bit-mapped color GUI. As the game was an instant hit an Amiga conversion eventually came out. This in turn inspired Japs and even a Sharp X68000 version was released. The game got a lot of praising in the mags like C&VG and the Games Machine. Nnirvi lost his marbles playing this game and he can still be caught babbling on about those blood sucking puprle worms of the level 7

Nnirvi you say, eh? Alright, I think I've got it. It's Dungeon Master, isn't it?
Oh yes.
Easy... Definitely Darius... I just don't remember which one... It's one of the older ones.
Yep yep. Fatty Glutton has appeared in nearly every Darius game, anyway. The latest was in Gaiden.
This requires the exact game, just the series ain't gonna cut it this time.
That should be Gokujyo Parodius/Ultimate Parodius.
This is way too easy :mrgreen: krhm...
"For great justice!"
I was going for Parodius Da!, but I guess Gokujyou will do just fine.

And yours is from Zero Wing, the Mega Drive version.
"Let's attack aggressively"
From the intro sequence of one of the finest games on the SNES. Hell, it's one of the finest games
Quote from: "Peklo""Let's attack aggressively"
Contra 3.
Here's another easy one: "Don't you know blackmail is way uncool?"
Quote from: "venzetti"Quote from: "Peklo""Let's attack aggressively"
Contra 3.
Here's another easy one: "Don't you know blackmail is way uncool?"
Ok. Once again I have a tough nut to crack.
"What color do you think I should paint my room, Kyle?"
I think it's from Final Fight Streetwise.. Am I right? Well, next easy one;
"This is what they call a heart-warming family reunion..."
Devil May Cry 3?
Quote from: "A-Yty"Devil May Cry 3?
Correct! Why don't you put your own guessable line from a game :P?
"Welcome to the machine".
Quote from: "A-Yty""Welcome to the machine".
I wonder what game I was thinking :hmm:
Anyway, why don't we make this game a little insane: let's explain a game as shortly and vaguely as possible and see if anyone gets it. I'll start. Who gets it right does the next one.
An expert of ancient oriental espionage and fighting techniques thinks he's dad is dead and goes on a
really difficult quest against infinitely spawning enemies.
Quote from: A-Yty on 16 March 2011, 12:25
Quote from: A-Yty"Welcome to the machine".
I wonder what game I was thinking <!-- s:hmm: -->:hmm:<!-- s:mrr: -->
Ecco the Dolphin.
QuoteAn expert of ancient oriental espionage and fighting techniques thinks he's dad is dead and goes on a really difficult quest against infinitely spawning enemies.
Anyone care to guess?
Quote from: A-Yty on 17 May 2013, 13:52
QuoteAn expert of ancient oriental espionage and fighting techniques thinks he's dad is dead and goes on a really difficult quest against infinitely spawning enemies.
Anyone care to guess?
Ninja Gaiden?
The player controls five different kind of blocks which appear in a random order.
Wetris? Twintris? :wtf:
Quote from: Bloodreign on 19 June 2013, 12:27
Yeah. :jees:
Quote from: A-Yty on 19 June 2013, 13:34
Wetris? Twintris? :wtf:
These probably fit well with the description also. :jees:
That was way too tough :|
Try to make it easier the next time :nerd:
I am nothing gimmicky despite my name, my makers are soft and from the sun, yet my star that I ride and throw are something some might call a gimmick. All I wanna do is help a little girl back to her home.