US deploys 'game-changer' weapon to Afghanistan

Started by Chaos Guardian, 02 December 2010, 08:39

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Chaos Guardian


In my science fiction dreams I've imagined remote controlled robots running into bunkers and tearing people apart. Step closer that way.
Of course these weapons can't change Afghanistan bomb tactics. If it's all these people have left, it'll be all they'll use. Probably it will lead only to more civilian deaths. Is the U.S. trying to free people from terror or engage slavary? They should try to prevent terrorism instead of fighting against it. I know that U.S. economy is doing bad, but it doesn't give them the right to feed off economies of others. War on terrorism is redundant.


Sometimes I think the only not-far-fetched aspect of the MGS4 storyline was war becoming the basis of the global economy  :|