And now we play the waiting game

Started by A-Yty, 16 March 2011, 20:00

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Hype any game you're dying to get your hands on. In other words; what game(s) are you really looking forward to and why?

Nevermind the cool, but, considering the context, silly music (very Rocksteadyish of them, I guess). Seeing a tiny shred of gameplay is what I needed.

It's the goddamn Batman. Arkham Asylum rocked and I've got a feeling this is going to rock even more. I hear this will be Mark Hamill's last time as the Joker.


I'm looking forward to my copy of Thunder Force 3 for the Genesis to arrive, I already have 2,4, and Thunder Spirits on SNES. Also looking forward to playing some Metal Slug on the Saturn, goes well with my Metal Slug X PS 1, and my PS 2 Metal Slug Anthology, and Metal Slug XX PSP.
New sig, my old one is a dead link, so I changed it to something useless, like this text. If you read it, congrats, you wasted your time.



A spiritual sequel to the musical rail-shooter Rez  8)  
And this time, a motion detecting controller is used (as it should have always been - I can't believe they haven't made a Wii version of Rez years ago).



I'm interested, but not as stoked as before. I'm not too clingy to Hamill and Conroy. Things change. The new Bat voice sounds ok. It's just that he has so many lines it almost make him seem too talkative. The interface looks almost similar to AA and AC, even though the developer is different and that kind of worries me. I don't want too much of the same thing. It might feel like playing a DLC.

And yet again, I much envy what Americans will be getting with the CE:

Look at all that stuff. The EU edition is pathetic compared to it. You lucky bastards  >:(


Japan were always the more lucky ones in the past, happened again recently with the the Chronicles of Mystara release. While we got a downloadable version of it for PSN, Japan got a physical release with soundtrack CD's artwork, and more options, like video options (different variations of scanlines, cleaner look), plus Capcom did that release in Jspasn themselves, not  a third party. They also got some other extra stuff I can't remember offhand.
New sig, my old one is a dead link, so I changed it to something useless, like this text. If you read it, congrats, you wasted your time.


Oh, I agree that the Japanese are treated with silk gloves soaked in ambrosia and dodo feathers when it comes to Japanese special editions. But out of these three areas, I think it's pretty clear EU gets the shortest end of the stick pretty consistently. Regardless where the game is made  :(


Oh of course, game companies think of you guys there as an afterthought, not sure why as money flows from Europe just as well as it does in the US and Japan.
New sig, my old one is a dead link, so I changed it to something useless, like this text. If you read it, congrats, you wasted your time.


And so the last Rocksteady Batman Arkham game looms on the horizon. I think it's best for this to be the last one and I also expect it to be the greatest of the quadrilogy.


Any ports, localizations, remasters or remakes you're waiting for?

I really hope Deadly Premonition 2 gets ported to PS4. The first game is the only one I know of that combines comedy and horror. It made to Guinness Book Of Records as the "most critically polarizing survival horror game". People seem to either completely hate or like it.

Personally I really like it. It's the closest thing to a Twin Peaks game we've had  :o


As a Double Dragon fan, I was checking what games were available for the PSN Store in the EU region and learned there's a new game coming out.

I really liked DD Neon, so I was hoping more or less the same visual style and humor. I'm not terribly excited about this style, because it makes me predict it's another cheap thing made to ride the name of DD. But as long as it's enjoyable to play, I'm happy.

I guess it's pointless to wait for AA level production values for such an old series whose gameplay is considered obsolete.


At the time of their release, I was never a gigantic Streets Of Rage fan. Not because they weren't great games (they were), but because I lived in a NES household and had limited access to Sega games. Since I wasn't a fanatic at the time, I was never too bothered about the supposedly lower quality SOR3 and also wasn't expecting a fourth game. Which is a good thing, because it took 26 years for Streets Of Rage 4 to be released.

I've been really getting into it as a free PS Plus game. The soundtrack is awesome and it's a real joy to play.

Here's hoping this encourages other developers for something like a Double Dragon Neon sequel. And SOR5, of course  :jees: